There are various forms for clients to complete while enrolled in BCFMA. Most of the common forms can be found below.
Quickest way to submit a completed form to BCFMA is to sign into your web account and send us a message attaching the form.
Recipient Forms
Child Circumstances (PDF 171 KB)
Use when providing details of the child’s current circumstances
Child Circumstances under AOM (PDF 184 KB)
Use when providing details of the child’s current circumstances and child is under the age of majority
Child Status Request (ISO) (PDF 268 KB)
Use when providing information about the child’s current circumstances and the order registered in another maintenance program where the payor lives
Special Expenses (PDF 340 KB)
Use when there special or extraordinary expenses owing under the order and those expenses can be collected by BCFMA
Recipient Enrolment Forms
List of Payments Received (PDF 187 KB)
Use when providing a list of payments received since the order was made
Support Payments Due (PDF 173 KB)
Use when providing details of the amounts due under the order
Expense Arrears Calculation (PDF 224 KB)
Use when providing a list of expenses not already paid since the order was made
Child Circumstances (ENO) (PDF 173 KB)
Use when providing past & current details of the child’s circumstances
Payor Forms
Provide Information on Child (PDF 336 KB)
Use when the payor has information about the child’s current circumstances
Default Fee Review (PDF 170 KB)
Use when the payor received a Notice of Intention or been charged a Default Fee and wants BCFMA to review it
Income and Expense with Payment Proposal (PDF 242 KB)
Use when the payor wants to work out a plan to pay a set amount for a period of time towards ongoing support payment and/or any arrears
Statement of Finances (PDF 773 KB)
Use in preparation for a default hearing if the payor has not paid support voluntarily and we have been unsuccessful collecting support with administrative action
Payment Related Forms
Consent to Adjust Support (PDF 110 KB)
Use when the order or agreement allows for the recipient and payor to share their financial information for the purpose of adjusting the amount of support due
Direct Deposit Application (PDF 159 KB)
Use when signing up for direct deposit or to changing existing direct deposit banking information
Lost Cheque Declaration (PDF 239 KB)
Use when reporting a lost trust fund cheque sent by BCFMA