Cancellations & Restrictions
Federal Licence/Passport Denial
If a payor falls more than $3,000 in arrears, we may ask the federal government to issue a federal licence and passport denial. This means the federal government will refuse to issue the payor a new passport, federal aviation and marine licence. The federal government may also suspend the payor’s current passport or licence.
A federal licence and passport denial may stay in place while the payor is enrolled with BCFMA until the arrears are paid.
When would BCFMA take this step?
We may consider federal licence and passport denial as a last resort if:
- The payor owes more than $3,000 in arrears
- Other recovery actions have been unsuccessful
- We cannot reach a voluntary payment arrangement with the payor
- The payor has not replied to our contact attempts
Before taking this action, we will:
- Give the payor 40 days of notice prior to a federal licence and passport denial being issued
- Send two notices to the payor to inform them that they are behind on payments and that a federal licence and passport denial is being considered
- Work with the payor to develop a voluntary payment arrangement
Review of federal licence/passport denial
A payor can ask us to review their case if they believe they were less than $3,000 in arrears at the time the action was taken or if the denial would significantly reduce their ability to pay support.
Driver’s Licence Cancellation
If a payor falls more than $3,000 in arrears, we may ask the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) to refuse to issue or renew the payor’s driver’s licence.
Once a driver’s licence cancellation is put in place, the payor cannot legally drive their vehicle until we instruct ICBC to remove the cancellation. The cancellation may stay in place as long as the file is enrolled with BCFMA and the arrears are more than $3,000.
When would BCFMA take this step?
We may consider a driver’s licence cancellation as a last resort if:
- The payor owes more than $3,000 in arrears
- Other recovery actions have been unsuccessful
- We cannot reach a voluntary payment arrangement with the payor
- The payor has not replied to our contact attempts
Before taking this action, we will:
- Give the payor 30 days of notice prior to the driver’s licence cancellation being issued
- Send two notices to the payor to inform them that they are behind on payments and that a driver’s licence cancellation is being considered
- Work with the payor to develop a voluntary payment arrangement
Review of driver’s licence cancellation
A payor can ask us to review their case if they believe they were less than $3,000 in arrears at the time the action was taken or if the cancellation would significantly reduce their ability to pay support.
BCFMA is responsible for this recovery action. ICBC licensing staff cannot remove the cancellation on their own. If there is a driver’s licence cancellation on your file, please contact BCFMA, not ICBC, to discuss arrangements to remove it.
Motor Vehicle Licence Restriction
If a payor is more than $3,000 in arrears, we may ask the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) to refuse to issue or renew the annual licence for a motor vehicle or trailer owned by the payor.
Once a motor vehicle licence restriction is put in place, the payor cannot buy vehicle or trailer insurance until we instruct ICBC to lift the restriction. This restriction may stay in place as long as the file is enrolled with BCFMA and the arrears are more than $3,000.
When would BCFMA take this step?
We may consider a motor vehicle licence restriction as a last resort if:
- The payor owes more than $3,000 in arrears
- Other recovery actions have been unsuccessful
- We cannot reach a voluntary payment arrangement with the payor
- The payor has not replied to our contact attempts
Before taking this action, we will:
- Send two notices to the payor to inform them that they are behind on payments and that a motor vehicle licence restriction is being considered
- Work with the payor to develop a voluntary payment arrangement
Review of motor vehicle licence restriction
A payor can ask us to review their case if they believe they were less than $3,000 in arrears at the time the action was taken or if the restriction would significantly reduce their ability to pay support.
BCFMA is responsible for this recovery action. ICBC licensing staff cannot remove the restriction on their own. If there is a motor vehicle licence restriction on your file, please contact BCFMA , not ICBC, to discuss arrangements to remove the restriction.