BC Family Maintenance Agency (BCFMA) provides a free service available to families in British Columbia who are eligible to receive or pay family support. The Agency offers supports that strengthen families so that they may achieve their full potential and secure the best possible future for their children. By putting people first, we ensure recipients receive the support payments to which they are entitled, contributing to financial stability and security for B.C. families.

The foundation of our services is client-centric, inclusive, and able to adapt to meet the diverse needs of our clients. We take a balanced approach to family support services that ensures we listen to, collaborate with, and work with all parties to achieve the best outcomes for children and families.

BCFMA works directly with the government of B.C. to support the goals of increasing access to justice, reducing child poverty and delivering services to citizens in a customer-focused way. The Agency has built a foundation for services that is predictable, sustainable and able to change and expand as required.

Our Vision

To be a leading family maintenance organization providing a diverse range of supports and services to ensure healthy and thriving families.

Our Mission

To provide the highest quality client centric service, helping families achieve their best outcomes and future for their children.

Strategic Framework

The BCFMA 2023 – 2026 Strategic Framework reflects BCFMA’s ongoing commitment to put people first while striving to be both innovative and approachable. Our Strategic Plan outlines the following high-level goals:

  • Enhance our client-centric culture
  • Modernize business practices
  • Align with public sector goals
  • Ensure inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility
  • Create meaningful partnerships
  • Expand awareness of the Agency

What we do

BCFMA collects support payments from the payor and sends them on to the recipient. Find out more

BCFMA Reporting

Glasses folded on top of Annual Report

Board of Directors

A Board of Directors ensures the Agency serves the interests of B.C. families.

Learn More